[Looking for good theory books on filmmaking subjects]

Hello. This is my first indietalk post. I am 17 and i'm trying to learn more on filmmaking and i would like to ask all of you, which theory text books (or even magazzines or websites) you recommend on cinematography, directing and screenwritting.
Thanks in advance for your answers.
Here are some titles for getting the picture to look good.

"The 5 Cs of Cinematography" by Joseph Mascelli

"Painting With Light" by John Alton. (Really old book... but it's a testament that nothing better has yet been written) :cool:

Screenplay by Syd Field and Story, by Robert Mckee. You wont make in inch of progress unless you read all the screenplays you can get your hands on.

I enjoyed a short book on directing film called On Directing Film by David Mamet. This book is not the tell all about directing but it gives some useful insight.

Oh yeah, and there is a little book called The Poetics, or just Poetics by some guy who died a while back, anyone remeber his name? I do.