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Looking for Chevelle type music

Hello everyone, I was hoping to hear if anyone knows of any free to use rock music that is similar to Chevelle? My ideal song would be, Paint the Seconds, but since im working with practically no budget, I dont see Chevelle allowing me to use it. Any ideas? It would be for an action scene with some slow motion parts. Thanks.

Oh and so far these forums have been a great help to me in my quest of learning to make my own film! Keep up the great work!
I've never heard of "Chevelle", but I would suggest looking on craigslist for bands willing to work for screen credit and your undying gratitude ;).

You can also check through the 1000's of bands on Facebook or Myspace and ask them if they'd like to do it, they even have samples of their stuff most of the time.
You've never heard of...:hmm: Anyways, im not sure how well my film will turn out, seeing as how it will be my first one. So it would be hard for me to ask someone for there song, when my response would have to be, "Yeah its for a small movie. My first movie. It might even suck, but at least you could have your song in it!" "Big thumbs up" Ha.
That doesn't matter! And its called creative licensing, its your art, it can't suck if you like it.

One thing I've learned in my stay on this earth is that it NEVER hurts to ask. They can either say yes or no, and you'll lose nothing.