Looking for an old indie short film

When I was in college (I think this would have been 1994 or 1995) I saw an indie short that may have been called "Water". It was a film based on a Sumerian creation story featuring the god of water, Enki, and I think it was shot in Australia (the setting looked like Australia). The basic plot is this: Enki drives a water truck, and makes a delivery to a parched farm with a single woman. She plays in the water, he leaves, and she become pregnant -- giving birth within a short period of time to a fully-grown goddess who returns to the farm. This second goddess meets Enki on his next water run, plays in his water, and also become pregnant... This chain of events continues until there are 4 fully-grown goddesses at the farm.

I think the film is black and white, I'm not sure, but I don't remember a lot of color in the film. I'm teaching a class on Middle Eastern Creation stories and I'd love to be able to locate this film and see if I can get permission to show it to my students.

Does this strike chords with anyone?

No idea, but it actually sounds really interesting, so if you do end up finding it, please come back here and post the link... I totally dig Sumerian history.