Looking for a specific animated short film.. can anyone help!?


This seems like the right kind of place for standing 1/2 a chance of finding what im looking for!

some time ago - maybe as long ago as 2 - 3 years(!) i came across a fantastic animated short film via some random google searching.. i seem to remember it may have won an award of some sort - not that there arent hundreds of those around..

Anyway, im wondering if the following description rings any bells with anyone, as i am keen to find it and watch it again, as well as show it to some colleagues who woudl appreciate it.

Essentially, so far as i can remember it was animated, (possibly 3D modeling but could equally have been a more '2D / hand drawn' affair) and it was very monochrome, and maybe the ocasional pale red or sepia tone used here and there. As i recall the 'plot' was very "sci-fi".. A character appeared to be awakened from some kind of stasis by some kind of cylindrival machinery descending from the ceiling of a large chamber. He gets up, and travels upwards to the surface of some kind of complex. Meanwhile i seem to recall cutting backwards and forwards to a train arriving at a station.. all very slick and 'futuristic'. After that all i can remember is that the environment seems to be becoming increasingly fragmented, like the world is ending or something.. as if large chunks of the planet / city are being ripped up and sucked into something.. or blwon around by some kind of wind. I vaguely recall another character - perhaps a woman walking towards the other character, who is struggling to crawl along through the chaos and debris towards her. I have no recollection of any more than that!

sounds crazy, but it really was very very good indeed.

The word "entropy" springs to mind, but i cant find anything despite a good couple of hours of googling now. Sound familiar to anyone, at all?

Alternatively, if anyone can suggest any sites or places to start searching, or can offer any tips to tracking this down it would be much appreciated!
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Not having any luck so far.

Found an "Aurora", which was kinda interesting - an aliens-on-a-train flick, though. Kinda dodgy.

Sounds interesting.