Looking for a new camera (Need opinions)

I've been looking into HD camera's. I want a small handy camcorder, not a monster 5,000 dollar video camera. I need it to have built in memory, plug in via USB to my laptop so I can take the video off, can record 1920x1080 and 1280x720 resolution. Also it would help if it can also take an external mic. If anyone here knows any good HD handycam camcorders that can do that, it would be helpful. Thanks.


Both have "decent" entry level CMOS chips. (I know if you're considering plugging a mic into the camera jack that that's where ur @. :))
Both have manual exposure.
Both have 10x optical zooms, 35mm Film Equivalent: 43.4-436mm.
Both have both mic and headphone jacks.
Both have lens filter threads. (Get 58mm step-up rings and look for Raynox wide angle lenses. Don't fool with telephoto add on lenses, they won't provide worthwhile benefit.)

The $100 diff in MSRP is about memory options.

I'd save the $100 diff and buy the 500, a $40 replaceable SD card, and a $4 card reader that simply plugs into any USB port, like your laptop has. That's what I do with my similar camera.

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I second that on the HF M500. I started out with the HF M40 and got my hands on a refurb M500 and they're both about the same. They're good entry level equipment. My first short, and a music video I just entered in to a contest were both filmed using both of these cameras.

Here's the video... keep in mind this was heavily edited with lots of saturation, blurring, etc... but hopefully it will give you an idea of what you can do with it. Good luck with your search.
