Looking for a Mic. for short films and interviews

I like to make short films in my spear time, and also do some interviews with people. I am looking into buying a microphone for these two purposes. The camera I have is this one- http://www.amazon.com/JVC-GZ-HD40-Definition-Camcorder-Optical/dp/B001CBPVJG
I was looking into either this portable audio recorder- http://www.amazon.com/Tascam-DR-05-Solid-State-Recorder/dp/B004OA6JW0/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top
Or the rode videomic- http://www.amazon.com/Rode-VideoMic-Directional-Condenser-Microphone/dp/B0007U9SOC/ref=pd_sim_MI_14
Which one do you think would be the best for what I do stuff for? If you don’t think either of these are good for what I need it for, then what would you suggest? My budget is $150 maximum.
Keep in mind, I mostly only do interviews and short films.
Please reply ASAP!
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$1,300 for a camera, $150 for sound...


Get the Rode VM and plug it into the camera. Put it on a boom-pole for narrative work and, at the least, a mic stand for interviews.

Read the following:






If you don't mind me asking,

WHY would you get a camcorder which doesn't have swappable lenses (as far as I know) etc?

You could damn near buy a 7D for that money. At least a 60D with an awesome lens...
If you don't mind me asking,

WHY would you get a camcorder which doesn't have swappable lenses (as far as I know) etc?

You could damn near buy a 7D for that money. At least a 60D with an awesome lens...

The reason I didn't get a DSLR was because when i was getting a camera, DSLRs were just making there uprise, and I didn't know that much about them
The reason I didn't get a DSLR was because when i was getting a camera, DSLRs were just making there uprise, and I didn't know that much about them

Alcove's suggestion will work for you. Just remember, for recording any type of dialog - interview or short film - a mic mounted on the camera won't get the job done if you're looking for professional type results.

Remember sound is as, or even more, important than picture. What project(s) do you have in mind?
I use lav mics for most all of my interviews. Wired. They work great, they sound great, and they are easy to hook up. (Ask the interviewee to thread the cord up their shirt, unless you want to get a lawsuit from that female you 'grope').

You just have to monitor the sound so you can see that the sound is OK. And watch out for clothes noise.