Looking for a 3D Artist

Hey guys, we're looking for a talented 3D artist to collaborate with us on our next short. We're shooting a short car chase and we'd like to see a car wipe out and possibly roll at the end before going out in a big Hollywood "there's a case of dynamite in my trunk" blaze.

It should be easy, one shot only 3-5 seconds long, and it will be composited into the background of a shot looking through the windshield, out the back window, with our actors in the front two seats. We'll take care of the compositing, just need the animated car element.

We aren't bad at what we do, take a look at some of our other work: http://vimeo.com/invisionmedia and feel free to ask any questions! This whole thing is for fun, we're not getting paid and we're asking for free work, but it will make a good reel piece and we'll obviously credit you and your visual effects house, etc. We're shooting all the time and are looking for a good 3d artist to partner with overall!

Thanks for your time-

-Paul G and Invision Media.