London: Clubs and Books

Hey, I am a 20 year CompSci student at City University London. To my dismay I went to Fresher's Fair and found out that they didn't have any of the three clubs I wanted to join: Film Making, Juggling/Circus and Rock Climbing.

I've met some people in my halls who climb so we're going to negate the society there and just go climbing together, hopefully getting more people coming as the year goes on.

I'm going to start a Juggling/Circus society, I just need to find 5 people interested which won't be hard as soon as I start looking...

Which just leaves the Film Making. My thoughts on starting a juggling one instead of a film making society is that I would think there must be some pretty established film clubs in and around London, considering I'm in Islington, I'm prepared to go pretty much anywhere in the city for a decent club... So, does anybody know of any?


The other question I have is about reading material... I think myself to be a fairly decent writer. At least with composing stories... everything else is mere practice. However with a camera (I recently brought a DVX100b, God bless you student finance!) I am a complete newcomer, I realised that while I can spot good angles that create the right emotion for the take or some that just look damn cool. I have no comprehension of the bigger picture, even just putting a few takes together to make a scene, let alone anything bigger.

Now using the fact that I self taught myself to program I can confidently say that books are my preferred medium to learn from. There must be some great books on everything to do with film-making, and I am looking for everything: from lighting to cinematography to production to lighting to editing and to lighting.

I've got my eye on the DVX Book, I'm going to buy that and I've also found this book on Amazon that looks promising.

Anybody have any opinions on either of these two books and most importantly, got a shelf more to recommend I invest in?

Thanks very much for taking the time to read this! I look forward to your replies :)
Hey, I am a 20 year CompSci student at City University London. To my dismay I went to Fresher's Fair and found out that they didn't have any of the three clubs I wanted to join: Film Making, Juggling/Circus and Rock Climbing.

I've met some people in my halls who climb so we're going to negate the society there and just go climbing together, hopefully getting more people coming as the year goes on.

I'm going to start a Juggling/Circus society, I just need to find 5 people interested which won't be hard as soon as I start looking...

Which just leaves the Film Making. My thoughts on starting a juggling one instead of a film making society is that I would think there must be some pretty established film clubs in and around London, considering I'm in Islington, I'm prepared to go pretty much anywhere in the city for a decent club... So, does anybody know of any?


The other question I have is about reading material... I think myself to be a fairly decent writer. At least with composing stories... everything else is mere practice. However with a camera (I recently brought a DVX100b, God bless you student finance!) I am a complete newcomer, I realised that while I can spot good angles that create the right emotion for the take or some that just look damn cool. I have no comprehension of the bigger picture, even just putting a few takes together to make a scene, let alone anything bigger.

Now using the fact that I self taught myself to program I can confidently say that books are my preferred medium to learn from. There must be some great books on everything to do with film-making, and I am looking for everything: from lighting to cinematography to production to lighting to editing and to lighting.

I've got my eye on the DVX Book, I'm going to buy that and I've also found this book on Amazon that looks promising.

Anybody have any opinions on either of these two books and most importantly, got a shelf more to recommend I invest in?

Thanks very much for taking the time to read this! I look forward to your replies :)

Hey man, I'm about to start a degree in Creative Writing at Birkbeck - if you find any film-making clubs, let me know, as i'd really like to meet some people in a similar position, willing to produce some outside work.

As for books, I've heard is good. Also, WHSmiths recently did a great little magazine/book called the Digital Filmmakers handbook (i think), it was only 9.99 but took you through every step of filmmaking. I'm sure you could still find it.

If you want to delve into the art of the screenplay, I can personally recommend "Writing Movies" By the Gotham Writers Workshop. So simple and effective.