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"Loco Love" in Los Angeles

You can spot me as "Carla the bartender!"

Title: 'Loco Love'

Release Date: June 13th, 2003 (limited release)

Title Note: (5/25/03) During its festival run, this movie was known as 'Mi Casa, Su Casa.'

MPAA Rating: PG (for thematic elements, sensuality and language)
Running Time: 94 minutes

Distributor: Pathfinder Pictures

Production Company: Enigma Entertainment, Three Springs Productions

Cast: Laura Elena Harring (Catalina), Roy Werner (Donald Chandler), Gerardo Mejia (Miguel Sanchez), VictoriaRegina (Juanita), Margaret Scarborough (Barbara), Erick Carrillo (Pedro), Barbara Eden, Frank Gallegos (Tobias), Paul Keith (Mr. Hurley), Michael Kuka (Norm), Rhonda Le (Eli), Miguel Mas (Hector), Debbie McLeod (Mrs. Hurley), Tara Price (Carla), Jorge Rivero

Director: Bryan Lewis (feature film debut)

Screenwriter: Steven Baer (feature film debut)

Premise: This is the story of a restauranteur, Donald (Werner), who finds himself in dire financial straits after his wealthy wife leaves him, taking his restaurant with her. Making a deal with his gardener, Miguel (Mejia), who has recently won the lottery, Donald agrees to marry the gardener's beautiful but easily-angered immigrant sister, Catalina (Harring), so that she can get her green card, in exchange for Miguel buying Donald a new restaurant of his own.

Filming: Production of this movie took place in Los Angeles in 2002, shooting on digital video.

Genre: Comedy, Latino, Romance