Location question

I'm looking to shoot a short in Central Park in the next couple of weekends. I was wondering exactly who to contact (I belive it would be the Mayor's office, but I'm not sure) and how long it would take to obtain permission to shoot at the location. Any information in general would be mighty helpful.
If it works for the kinds of scenes you are shooting, You can also film in Prospect Park (Brooklyn) and everyone will think that it's Central Park! (they were built around the same time by the same landscape architects, etc.) Less crowds, reasonable parking, etc. There's even subway access. Of course, no Manhattan skyline but you can get that in Central Park on a quick master shot w/out a permit.. then do the rest in Prospect Park..

Migs15 said:
I'm looking to shoot a short in Central Park in the next couple of weekends. I was wondering exactly who to contact (I belive it would be the Mayor's office, but I'm not sure) and how long it would take to obtain permission to shoot at the location. Any information in general would be mighty helpful.
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I'm attempting to set up at shoot in Central Park and have been speaking to the people at the mayor's office. They informed me that I would need to send them a copy of our film production's insurance, which at this point we do not have. What are the steps to obtaining the insurance and approximately how much does it cost?
$1 mil liability will be about $600 for 12 days (I believe it's 12, or 14). Try www.filmemporium.com Make sure they don't charge a policy fee. If thy do there are other brokers.
Except you don't contact the film commision for a permit (in NY).