Littleman - Biac Productions

Hi All,

I was lucky enough to go to the premiere screening of “Littleman” by Biac Productions. I enjoyed the movie and found it very refreshing to see a movie about a psychopath that actually had some real depth to it. The main character Vic Trask does kill people in the movie but these are not random acts of violence, they are motivated by love. Yes Love! He thinks he is doing the right thing, he does not consider himself a villain, he wants to be the best dad possible. In fact it would be best said that this movie is not "about" a psychopath, but "about" a fathers intense and misguided love for his son. The performance by William Decoff in this movie is fabulous; he managed to create feelings of both revulsion and sympathy in me at the same time; a difficult thing to pull off. I actually found my self rooting for Vic at times; rooting for a killer?!? The direction, writing and acting are what made this movie so good. I also enjoyed Mari Davilla’s role as well, she played a very disturbing villain and gave me the shivers. You could see the intense hatred burning in her eyes, and the intense joy she gets when she starts to get the upper hand. I don’t want to meet her in a dark alley, or maybe I do… shiver…

Check this movie out!

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Caveat: There where a couple scenes in the movie that I found very disturbing, and would suggest that only adults watch this movie. This is definitely an R rated film for violence and adult situations.

Kind Regards,
Donald C. Foley

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