archived-videos Little Elm

(This was my first movie [with effort put into it] by the way)

Ah...Little Elm. This movie is where it all began. I (Logan Leistikow) grew up in Little Elm; a small Texas lake town north of Dallas. Sure, the movie copies Jackass, but the stunts are original. Infact, even the stunts that seem to mimic Jackass were actually done before the same stunts were done on the MTV show. All of the footage was taped back in 2002. I could never sell this movie because I own so little of it (people I don't know, and uncleared music flood the movie), but that won't stop me from showing it over the internet!

***This movie is 17 min. long and therefore is a large file; which means, if you have dial up, you may just want to pass on this one.

..or visit to read about the movie...

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Well a couple things

1) this kind of humor has gotten old i think, You need to do more extreme things than everyone else to be better, but this was filmed before Jackass and some of the CKY's (right?) so you didnt know where the bar was set...

2) not enough Axel F

3) Cinematography wasnt the greatest

Overall a pretty decent movie, but i think we've all grown tired of that kind of humor, unless ofcourse someone gets hurt pretty bad, then its still funny
We did this when Jackass was new...before the concept was copied by all the networks....we still copied them though. We were just having fun, so I don't care.

My friends and I actually always do "jackass" kind of stuff, just to make life exciting...when that show came out, we were just like "we do that stuff every day!!! They were just smart enough to tape it!!!"

The stories are far better than what's been caught on video sometimes. That scene where Zack climbed on top of the car for example...he actually did that way before ON THE HIGHWAY while I was going 60 or 70!!! Well, he wanted to do it again for the camera, but I didn't want to drive that fast again, so in Little Elm, it's lamer than the first time he did it.

My friends and I also stole several movie displays from the mall theater back in highschool...we had to sneek these huge light-up displays through all these halls and almost got caught...none of this stuff is on tape! It sucks...I agree though, but this movie is old, so whatever.

Another story: At my highschool's '03 graduation (a year after mine--it was at a huge local college gym) Juan and I brought foghorns...the police didn't like they took Juan's, but didn't know I had one. Well, after whatching the cops take another lady's foghorn, I went to one end of the gym and blew mine....the cops heard it, but didn't know who had it. They went to that end of the stands looking for it. I then ran through the hall around the gym to the other side and blew my foghorn again. My friends said the cops looked so confused and went to the other side. I then got rid of the evidence (my foghorn) and sat back in the middle of the stands where I originally was. It was hilarious...I told JJ to tape it with a camera he had, but for some reason he didn't.

...just goes to show you, the best things in life happen off camera.

...there are sooo many stories. I wish they were all on tape, but some of them happened before I got my first camcorder, and others just couldn't be taped for one reason or another.
Since no one has time to probably whatch LE (by the way, thanks for watching and reviewing rizien); Here's another story...

My friend Juan and I once snuck into a Snoop Dogg and Chili Peppers concert (which was fun by itself), then we tried to act like we knew Snoop, and tried to get back stage...let's just say we almost got our asses kicked. That's it.

That same night we stopped in the local ghetto to buy a camera, and while I was in the gas station (actually it was a barred off window with a drop trey), a homeless guy peeped in my car window and asked Juan for money...Juan gave hime one of my cigars. I came back and this dude was standing by my car with my cigar in his hand...what the hell? He then tried to buy drugs from me that I didn't we left. Wierd.

JJ, Jacob, and Juan stole a security cart (golf cart thing) at six flags over texas...they got chased by security, and were kicked out.

My friend Zack once swam in the fountain at six flags (I have pictures but no video).

There's a long story about a lengthy car chase... many stories...

...good times. I should just write a book.
Sorry Logan... I'm just not a fan of stunt-type films.

I really liked your "Double Or Nothing" one, though. A story to follow is always good :)
Logan, you COULD write a book... but why not some screenplays?. Your last post has like five short movies in it. I want to see them all. Especially the snoop dogg beatdown.
Nah man...some stuff just can't be recreated. It wouldn't be half as awesome/funny as the spontaneousness of reality...then again, that Snoop Dogg night would work well as a short movie (or a part of a feature).