archived-videos "Little Black Riding Hood"

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I didn't quite catch that last image,
was that LBRH hanging by the neck?

Really freaky, I liked the music too. I think I would have held on to that last shot a bit longer.
The vomit seemed way too stiff (the substance not the act).
I the woman playing LBRH did an excellent job. Very cool stedi-camera effect when she runs through the woods.

So correct me if I'm wrong, there is an anti-drug message here?
Some of that music reminded me of Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original). I liked it. It was creepy, but I'm too guessing that this is anti-drug, although, I've never done drugs so I wouldn't know what it's like. :D Yay me! That vertical white line crawling across the picture distracted me alittle bit but after a min or so I didn't even realize it was there. That's a good sign too. Well, from me. It means that it wasn't boring, to be blunt.

I could tell right away that the girl was hanging by her neck. I agree it could have been longer. You should have let her swing some more :lol:

Stiff vomit is unlikely, but it can happen. It still grossed me out. Great job you guys. :clap:
Let me be the first to say... :huh:

Very enjoyable, but I have no idea what the hell is happening.

I think it's safe to assume that it's not an anti-drug message, though. I'll go out on a limb and suggest that there was a fair amount of
while writing this.


I'm going to watch this a few more times over the weekend, and see if I become enlightened. :)

The shot of the girl outside the house reminded me of the cover of the first Black Sabbath album, for some reason.

WWII gas-masked menaces, spinning goat heads, two-legged wolves, pasty vomit, giant egg licking... man, oh man.

I really like the abstract stuff... even when I don't get it. :cool:

Oh, that shot of the girl running was fantastic. I want to know how to achieve that effect.

Trippy stuff, good Kellockx.
Did you get the "House on Haunted Hill" (1999 remake) abstract visuals? Well, I did. Maybe that abstract stuff is just a drug side effect?
Thanks that you guys liked the short... It's an anti-drug message.

The effect of that shot of the girl running : She just hold the tripod legs between her arms.

And when the girl was hanging by her neck, she just coudend hold on very long.
All she did was held the tripod and ran with it? Wow, very nice, I was thinking expensive stedi-cam aparatus for some reason. Wonderful shot I must say again.

I remember an interview or something where they had to hang a person for a western and the stunt man wore a harness around his shoulders because wearing one around his waist didn't get the desired effect. Anyway he wore this harness and the brunt of the weight was on his armpits but the rope around his neck wasn't even tied to anything, just a guy on the side keep it slightly taut. He wiggled for awile then just kind of dangled there. The best shot came at the end where you see his feet and both his hands just swinging freely. I loved that shot just for the realism, I wish I knew where it was from. If I think of it I'll post it because it was awesome. Your last shot of her hanging was just enough to give me a hint but not enough to make it 'stark' if that makes any sense.

Still, I really enjoyed it, thanks for sharing! Keep 'em rollin'. ;)