archived-videos Lip Sync Test

good work. Are you layering the lipsync prior to character motions? I been farting around with using some model heads (poser, cause i have not mastered the art of human modeling in 3D max) and morphing them in max and then rigging the bodies for animation.

What did you use again to create this, Lightwave? Is it simular to max? I remember messing with it back in the late 1990s before discovering 3DS max.
King Goldfish said:
good work. Are you layering the lipsync prior to character motions? I been farting around with using some model heads (poser, cause i have not mastered the art of human modeling in 3D max) and morphing them in max and then rigging the bodies for animation.

What did you use again to create this, Lightwave? Is it simular to max? I remember messing with it back in the late 1990s before discovering 3DS max.

Was just doing it without any purpose, not part of anything...was just messing with that. I used lightwave it does have a few similarities with max except in character animation. Right now I use Lightwave for modeling and morphing for lip synch as well as animation that does not involve characters. I will be doing all my character animation and final rendering in max.
I think the lip synching is very good

The problem I noticed was with the phenoms... the "p" in "I plan..." just doesn't look puckered enough.

It all depends on how real you want it to look. We're planning on having our human characters simularly skinned like yours. You can tell they're human, but they are not real enough looking where people will focus on how good you made them instead of the story. We decided the story was more important than making the people look exactly like a human. To make human skin, there's SO MANY layers that has to go into that.. something we decided against. We haven't gotten to lip synching yet though.
grafikdon said:
Was just doing it without any purpose, not part of anything...was just messing with that. I used lightwave it does have a few similarities with max except in character animation. Right now I use Lightwave for modeling and morphing for lip synch as well as animation that does not involve characters. I will be doing all my character animation and final rendering in max.

as cool pointed out, The P did kind of look a little more like an M.

Im curious how you're going to create the lightwave morphs and then have them work in Max. Poser uses lightwave morph formats for their animated models. You need a fairly expensive plugin to import the morphing to work properly. You can use morph in max but it requires a layer technique.

You first import all your models with different phonetic expressions and then once you morph each scene to match it with the audio track, you then layer the physique character animation. So, it seems kind of pointless to do the lipsynce in lightwave then import it to max. Unless you actually have a plugin that works. but the plugin I use only imports 1 frame at a time so it kind of defeats the purpose of doing it since you have to relayer each keyframe one at a time.

PS, if you know of a way of doing anyother way, Please let me know. for now, Im experimenting with lipsyncing and character expressions while im learning to box model. is a great place to show off your 3D stuff. chris runs it (o1blue) and there are tons of free avi video tutorials to learn from. They also need lightwave knowledgable people like yourself. Most people on there use MAYA or Max.
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I wish I would have been abl;e to see a second befor he said "hello" because it seems cut. I wanted to see the mouth position just before the hello...

Good work though. I thought the end was a little strange for "there" but it goes into a smile so you have to move the mouth that way so the morph looks right. Maybe the phenom for R makes the mouth pucker too much.. maybe a LITTLE over exagerated, not much though...

But that's my taste... I'm curious to hear other comments... I also hope they see it before reading mine...

I always watch the clip/short/test/whatever before I read viewer responses. so I can form my OWN opinion.
grafikdon, I'm sorry bud but when I play it, the video around her mouth gets blurry, ne1 else? I watched it quite a few times and nothing really sticks out like a sore thumb for me. Not sure about the pucker factor because of the blurry motion. Could be my codec I think. Any chance of getting an un-compressed cut of this?
The animation doesn't look blurry, to me.

The sound is oddly choppy, though... distinct breaks at the start of each participle, similar to that computer-voice in "War Games".

What are you using for this, btw? I don't think I've seen any 2-d animations from you; only 3-d.

OK here is what I did basically.

In Poser 4 I used a head model and tweaked the facial morph with the audio file to make it talk. But first I had to adjust the lights and turn the shadows off. I also used the cartoon setting to get rid of the 3D effect.

Then I selected 'Make a movie"


You have to turn off the antialias and blur effect or the colors will bleed in the avi file

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I created a head for the body but without eyes or a mouth cut into it (In 3D Studio Max)


in max I went into the material settings and used "ink n Paint" modifier to create a cartoon effect in Max7


this is how he looks in 2D


This is Annie. Need a female character actress.

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here is my character after an hour trying to rig it for animation. I did a falling down test.

right click and save or play below

this has 3D shadow which makes it look 3Dish


no shadow and no sound. Which do you like better? I like the second one better

 <-- sound<--no sound

OK, No more whoring until someone responds :lol:
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thanks guys. Yeah, Motion Capture BIP files came with max. But im experimenting with my own key motions. I wish i had one of those MoCap devices that you put on. I'de do all kinds of crazy things in it.

Check this out.

I'm Melting

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King Goldfish said:
Im curious how you're going to create the lightwave morphs and then have them work in Max. .

I create all my morph targets in Lightwave and export with the FBX format. Once I load the FBX file in max, all the morph targets will be retained. Saves me the hassle of creating morphs in Max...very uncomfortable I must say.