Link to the dolly/fake lap swim technique?

Anyone have a link to the dolly/fake lap swimming technique?

I saw it in the DVD extras or maybe closing credits for The Girls Rebel Force of Competitive Swimmers (AKA Attack Girls Swim Team Vs. The Undead AKA Rebel Force Girls), but I can’t seem to locate another example of it, and can’t find the extras posted anywhere online.

If you don’t know what I mean, it’s like the actor is on their belly on a cart that is pushed along next to a long dolly track. The actor dips their hands in buckets of water so the water falls every time they appear to do a stroke. I don’t remember if between the actor and the camera is a fish tank or something, but I think in the background is a row of tiles that looks like the wall of an indoor swimming pool structure.
I’m not 100% sure what is done to get the effect (that is why I want to see it again), but it was cool.

Buddy, the only thing I could suggest is actually going to a pool. Seems like a hassle trying to make it "look" like a swimmer is swimming. Try a hotel with an indoor pool.

I didn't mean to make it sound like I was trying to pull off the shot (sorry), I just want to fully understand how its done. (Maybe others would be interested in it too.) The shot it creates is sweet. I imagine under some circumstances (lack of pool, actor that can't swim, actor that can't swim that well, trying to make a super swimming character, multiple takes might wear an actor that can swim out etc etc) it could be pretty handy.

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