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Lingual.Net Short Video/Film Contest-3K Grand Prizes!

Attention Indie Filmmakers!
Lingual.net is sponsoring a fun and fabulous movie contest!
Enter your short movie (shot on any format) and be eligible for prizes including our 3 top grand prizes of $1,000 USD! There is no entry fee.
Any format acceptable as long as it is viewable on web and you can produce a master quality hardcopy if chosen as a winner and/or to be displayed on site.
Narrative, documentary, animation, accepted-We want ENTERTAINING films-drama, comedy, action, suspense, romantic, etc.
Three First Place Prizes ($1,000) will be awarded to EACH Genre (narrative, documentary, and animation). In addition, One Second Place Prize ($500) and One Third Place Prize ($250) will be awarded. (Non-Genre specific). Films that do not win top three places are all eligible for Distinguished Display on our site. Those selected will be awarded $100.
Most desired length is 3-8 minutes... No films fewer than 2 minutes or over 15 minutes in length will be considered.
VISIT http://www.lingual.net for more information