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Lightmaster Studios

I would just like to take this opportunity to promote my production studio and website, Lightmaster Studios (http://lightmasterstudios.co.uk/).

Based in the UK, we are a small and relatively new studio that is currently fairly experimental with our work, producing animations, short films, documentaries, music videos and even concert DVDs, with the little equipment we currently have available to us. We use the website not only to represent ourselves, but also to blog about our activities, passing on the techniques we learn and use so others can get involved in being creative too. We also write about any current film news we find interesting, offering our professional and personal views.

When it all began, a short animation was released several months ago and we are currently finishing the production of a CD and DVD for a 2 hour concert, where we did everything from planning and filming to editing and producing. We would like to use the website to help fund future projects so we may move on to bigger and better things.

We don't ask for your hard-earned money, but a Facebook like, a Twitter follow or even just taking the time to read, enjoy and comment on the articles would be deeply appreciated. By spreading the word about Lightmaster Studios, we can achieve more.

Thanks for your support.

Mark from Lightmaster Studios