Letters of Intent

Hi all,

I'm starting a new proyect down here in Mexico city, but I've encountered an obstacle. What exactly is a letter of intent? I mean, an Actor's Manager is asking me for one... but I don't really know how to make one. Any ideas?

The help will be apreciated a lot, and I mean it with all my heart. (Ok, you can stop the violins cue).


Unusual for an actors manager to ask the filmmaker for a LOI.
That's a first for me.

Typically the filmmaker gets LOI's from actors. It's an essentially
useless written and signed statement saying that if the money
is raised and the actor isn't committed to another project they will
consider acting in your movie.

Is the manager asking you to type up the letter of intent for them
to sign? That doesn't make much sense either because each agent
or manager will have different demands so there really isn't a "standard"
LOI. Maybe you should ask the manager exactly what they want.
I know it's a little weird... I mean... I'm starting with this... but... these guys are actually asking me to write the letter, and it really is supposed to be the other way around.

What would they posibly want, not hire another actor for the part?

[edit] Actually... should I speak directly to the actor? This really put me off...
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As directorik said it's unusual for an actors manager to be asking for one. The only thing I can think of is that he wants a letter of intent from financiers showing you have backing.

As for talking directly with the actor... good luck. Unless you know them personally or have a friend that can put you in contact you have little to no chance of getting to them. You're going through the proper channels talking to their manager.