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Letter to Santa - Short Script

Okay, so I lied. Here's another.

Couldn't sleep last night, and had one of those writing fugues where I got it stuck in my head like a bad melody and it HAD to come out. Anyone else have that happen?

Title: Letter to Santa
Genre: Dramedy
Pages: 8


This one's a lot more ambitious as far as production goes. But I couldn't write it any other way. *shrug*

Thanks again to everyone for your patience and willingness to read and offer suggestions. I couldn't be more grateful.

This was enjoyable.

Here's the only thing I wonder about shorts where the narration is long and the action descriptions are fairly short. Is there enough action to keep the viewer interested while the narrator is getting all the dialogue out?

I've done this with a few shorts, and since I've never shot one of them, I don't know the answer.

But, all in all an enjoyable read. Your writing makes it easy to keep going.
Paper, thanks.

Ussinners, thanks for taking a look. My last 5 shorts posted here, including this one, are almost exclusively V.O. dialogue. No one complained, although I do worry about the very thing you mentioned. I would trust a talented director to keep the eye entertained.

V.O. in a short is a tool that I recognize allows for story compression. I may be overusing it. Or not.

Post up a few of your shorts?


Yeah, it's a toughie with narration and visual. I'll dig up The Date off my OLD Toshiba, put it on a floppy, go to my library and e-mail it to myself. Then I'll post it.

The Date is highly snobbish in it narration. I read it a few weeks ago when I was rewriting Half-A-Heart, and I had a hard time understanding the narration. I used a mega ton of $1 words, and I don't remember half the definitions. I do remember highly offending some women with this short.