Lenses that adjust for stabilisation

Maybe this is old news for the lens afficianados, but it was news to me, so here's the basics.

New lenses are being developed (so far for still cameras, best I can tell) that have tiny motors and magnets in them to compensate for shakes and fast movement.

It is different from current stabilisation methods frequently found in even consumer-grade camcorders, which end up with a degraded resolution after having had sequences of frames cropped to give the illusion of stability.

Here is the complete article: Link to NY Times

...and here is a quote from it:

For the job of keeping the image stable, Canon used two pieces of flat glass that were separated by a bellows containing a transparent silicone-based liquid. Based on the data from the motion sensor, motors moved the two glass plates relative to each other. That change in position compensated for camera shake by shifting the image.