Length of a short film

Wondering if I have the right idea for figuring out how long a short film should be.
If we assume that the principle "one page = one minute" script principle, which I know is not always true, then should it only be as long as it takes to effectively tell the story?
I mean, what I've done so far is three pages (just under) so let's assume that's three minutes.
Assuming I can finish the story in say... three more pages, then would six minutes (or thereabouts) be the right length for the short?

Does all of that make sense?
The one page/one minute guide line is fairly accurate for a feature
length (80-100 pages) that has a standard mix of dialogue and
action. It's rarely accurate for a short that is all dialogue. Sit down
and "time" your script. Read it out loud as you note the time you
start and the time you finish. This will give you sense of how long
the current three pages will take.

If the actors speak quickly it will end up a little shorter, if they use
a lot of pauses it will end up a little longer.