Leaving Vimeo

Is anyone else considering leaving Vimeo because of their reduced support of basic customers? Stuff like getting statistics that used to be included with the basic service, they want to change for to get people to pay with Vimeo Plus. YouTube still offers it for free with no weekly limit to uploads. Also, Vimeo is also imposing a limit on how much total storage can be used whereas, it used to be unlimited like YouTube.

Since I am not making money with views and Vimeo gets less views than YouTube, I am considering leaving Vimeo.

Thoughts in helping me to decide.

Vimeo isn’t cluttered with ads, or pop-ups for completely irellevant “related videos”. It’s clean, which makes it visually more appealing for presentation. On the other hand, YT is just cluttered with tons of crap.

Because they don’t insert ads like YT does, they don’t have a revenue stream outside of paying users. It makes sense that they wouldn’t offer free users as much flexibility. I’m a paying member, and the extra features I get are worth the price of admission.

Funny... all the talk about filmmakers wanting to get paid for their work, and they can’t rectify that with paying to use a service to publish/house their work.
If it does not make sense as a business expense then ditch it. If it does, keep it (you have to look at it as hosting, and they have to make a buck somehow.) ;)
That's the way I am looking at it, IT. Filmmakers have to look at what they are doing as a business, besides art, and every year businesses review their budgets to examine what expenses they have, which are mandatory to maintain, and which to cut to improve their bottom line.

AcusticAl, thanks for your insight.
Today I learned that Vimeo still exists. Not sure why, but I could've sworn they went under


What other hosting platforms are out there besides Vimeo and YT that are worth a salt? Vimeo, in my opinion, is the most professional and well run.

Vimeo is aimed at content creators who want to curate their work. Cleaner embeds (and better web compression), no noise (ads, pop-ups, etc.), and collaborative workspaces. There’s a section for paid viewing if you want to try and monetize your work, but the bulk of Vimeo’s offerings are for hosting work. One of the best features they have now, for paid subscribers, is the ability to send a link to a client where they can make timelined feedback notes. The free user tier is not their bread and butter; it’s actually a pretty generous offering since it’s all give and no take.

YouTube is not aimed at professionals. It’s aimed at everyone. They want the cat videos. They want Merle and Cletus falling off the roof of their shed. And for professional content creators, it’s the place to publish frequently-produced web series and to try and monetize through ad insertion.

So you can look at it like this: Vimeo is a business tool for professionals working with clients, where YouTube is a publishing tool for any- and everyone.
We just got an email from Amazon. They are LOWERING the rates on what they are paying on Prime:
Old rate: 15-cents per hour.
New rate on March 1: 6 (six) cents per hour...
Also, minimum royalty payment is now $100. If it takes you six months to make $100, that's when you get paid.