laptop or desktop

Hi guys and girls,
This question wouldn't have surface 2 years ago when computer technology
was not that affordable and advance as today.
I am thinking treating myself a new gear this holiday, but debating between
getting a laptop or desktop.
From what I learned: desktop is not mobile :-).
Laptop is mobile, but hard/expensive to upgrade for video card and ram.

For my future use of editing, VFX with 4K footage, minimum Maya rendering,
would you guys think I should stay with desktop or move on to laptop,
considering 1GB Intel HD 3000 internal video card and 4GB ram?

Thanks and Happy Holiday
Laptop will always be more expensive than desktop with the same spec. And for VFX, 3D modeling, and editing 4k footage, a large screen is almost a must, so you must take that into account also.

It just comes down to how important is mobility to you? and is it important enough to justify the extra money, or would it be better to put those money into a desktop with even better spec?
Keep with a desktop setup for actual production. If you can afford it, buy a cheap laptop/netbook for taking with you to meet clients or play around on while your main system renders.

As an aside I recommend you keep your work computer and your personal computer as separate machines.