archived-videos Kung Fu Action Movie

Cool action in there. The big flying spin kick at the end was impressive!
What part of Toronto are you guys from?
Oh yeah. Me too. I used to be from Mississauga, but with the whole "GTA" thing, Toronto is really, more or less, a small country!

I think I saw a couple online scenes to this before, but I'm not sure.

I saw in the BTS photos, that you're shooting on a GL2 (I think)... how do you feel about the camera? I'm leaning towards a DVX100a, but the GL2 is my alternate choice because of the significantly cheaper price.

If you're ever screening anything, let me know in a PM. I can't afford the DVD as of now (I'm limiting myself to one DVD every couple months, and I already ordered a copy of that Broken movie... and my credit card is almost maxxed out... again...) but I'm always up for a night out for indie films!

Welcome to Indietalk by the way. Nice to have more folks from Toronto on the boards! :)
Mississauga? nice place, my brother goes to school there. We're on the east side of the city.

Yes, those were online scenes.

We were shooting with a GL2 and also another small panasonic camera. The camera's actually my friend's so I don't know too much about it. From what I've tried, it was a great camera, the image's are sharp, and the colours are saturated, you can change and customize many things on it too.

Me too, I'm also looking towards a DVX-100, but they're pretty expensive right now. I saw a couple on Ebay for about 2,700 I think it might purchase one on Ebay instead.

Thanks for the welcome. This forum is amazing, people have a lot of amazing stuff here.