Knucklehead filmmakers

NY Police Halt 'Robbery' During Filming

''I made the mistake,'' Fred Carpenter told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. ''I was supposed to tell the local police precinct what we were doing.''

Here's the rest of the story:

Just something to keep in mind, when playing around with guns - fake or not. :)

Keeping things low-key can be pretty important to the lo/no-budget filmmaker; just don't go takin' chances, though. Heh, it's happened to a few members on the forums already.
Yeah I did a shoot involving fake space weapons and my first instruction to the actors once we arrived at the remote Airsoft field was "If you see anyone else, drop the guns."
I can relate to this. I was doing boom op on a "gang war" scene in Long Beach, CA year 2000 when Police showed up with shotguns and assault weapons. However, nobody said "drop the boom pole!" :)
Wow...that's some funny stuff(not funny at the time I imagine)

Graeme-yea, I can see how that could be pertinent.

Not with guns, I wanted to do a scene with my "Sonja" character going into a bank for one of the scenes-my wife looked at me and said: A person in a blonde wig and a mask walking into a bank-how would that look?


Needless to say I dropped the idea :)