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Kilroy Was Here

I can see this, it works.

But I gotta say, it's a little heavy-handed for my tastes. There's been a lot of stuff like this since WW2(and it harks of that military/prideful spirit. not that there's anything wrong with that ;)), although, granted, not in the short 'concept'/christmas card short format, so far as I've seen, at least.

Wow. That's powerful. Can't say that I see anything Christmas-y in it, though. It's more of a profound reminder that freedom isn't free. And that peace on Earth, goodwill to men is a pipe dream. I see the irony.
To offer an actual critique, though, I don't know about stopping mid-sentence to go back-and-forth between action and dialogue.

The message is a little muddled, to me. Is this about Peace on Earth, or about killing people? I don't want to turn this into a political debate, but your material is rather political.

So, if I'm to examine this as objectively as I can, I have to ask the question of who your target audience is? Would the people you expect to watch this likely agree with the message? Are there any others who might be turned off by it? This kind of thing can be rather polarizing. I'm not saying it shouldn't be made, just that you should make sure you know who you're making it for.
Thanks CF, ..

The stopping mid sentence etc is just an artifact of my inexperience in writing Screenplay. I visioned the entire poem being spoken OVER the action, in a tone fitting the action.. for example the first stanza is being spoken by Kilroy as if he were telling Murph a story or anecdote from home.. I do a better job of this with the RADIO bit where the stanza IS yelled into the radio.. like a guy calling in artillery.. which is why Murphy pokes his head up and gets plinked. I tried to use the "... as " qualifer, but there might be a better way. In a side note, if you play with the OTHER formats offered by celtx, the AV script particularly would be a better format I think..

Target audience? I had not considered it. It was writ in rush of inspiration, I was emotionally impacted while writing, what more could I ask? Its a polarized world we live in. If I'm afraid to offend lefties, then Id better find a new hobby, 'cause very few movie\creative types hold similar believes to me.

As for political. Everything is political. That poem is VERY political, you'll note that in the Christmas Carol the two key political stanza are omitted. To my reading and research into the context of the writing, that poem is about the triumph over the war of slavery. (a whole new kettle of fish that debate, but certainly much of the norther populace viewed it as such...) also the WWii setting is clearly a GOOD vs EVIL setting.. as no reasonable person would suggest that defeating Naziasam was not a GOOD in the world.

Id make this for me, and the actors and the crew the rest can lump it.. lol
I like the idea, Wheat.

One possible way to go with the concept that would preserve your world-view, while also making it more universal, is to re-create the famous Christmas Truce of 1914:


You could still keep the setting with WWII and Kilroy. Close trenches...an exchange of cigarettes, maybe a small blasted little Christmas tree (like Charlie Brown's), etc., as you read the poem. Then, finish with a return to hostilities.

Yes, battling Nazism was good. But not all in the German army were Nazi sympathizers. This way, you have your cake and can eat it, too. A demonstration of humanity, but a reminder that even Christmas doesn't negate evil in the world.

Thanks for posting this!

hum.. good thoughts all around...

I think with maybe two simple changes..

... Murphy rises to peer over the edge of the fox hole. He
nods at Kilroy, and Murph is up and over the edge charging the line.. he falls wounded 20 yards away...

Then I have Kilroy grab his MED KIT, and go to his fallen friend..
Then I have Kilroy grab his MED KIT, and go to his fallen friend..

I like that.

The way it was before, here's what was going on in my (admittedly super-liberal) head. I read a script that had a soldier rushing out to battle, while the narration says "wrong fail, right prevail". It's impossible for me to not take that as a pro-war message.

Med-kit changes the tone and feel, completely. I think even a super-liberal can get on-board now.