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watch Kids Christmas

Hello all. New to the forums. Haven't really introduced myself either. I suppose I will do that here shortly.

Just finished my annual kids christmas video and would love some feedback. Any and all, no matter how brash, would be great!


Couple of notes about the video.

1. I wanted the kids to be the focus and shot this in the "hollywood interview" style. The kids were supposed to repeat the question in their answer. As was the case last year they didn't really do that so I had to add text so that the viewer would know the question. Last year's video was edited in pinnacle. This year it was premiere and AE.

2. The kids chose their own backgrounds and I made it work.

3. I got lazy towards the end and shortcut some things like my oldest's volume level, should have normalized that. I'll leave the rest of my shortcuts to get picked out by you guys.

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Merry Christmas, Abaci.

You shouldn't sweat it that nobody responded, initially. I mean, you did post this just right before Christmas, and people tend to be busy. In fact, the only reason I'm now posting is because you bumped it. Me, personally, I respond to a lot of stuff in the screening room, but it's only when I'm in the mood, and that might be once a week or two.

It's also possible that people are viewing this as a home-vid. Cuz that's what it is. It's a parent recording memories of their children. It's possible that people might wonder why they're giving you pointers on how to make home-videos.

At the same time, though, this is no home-video. Wow, you really lit the hell out of this shoot. I'm no cinematographer, but I can tell that you really paid attention to detail, in lighting your subjects, including seperating them from their greenscreen. In my opinion, you did that really well. I also think you've framed your subjects nicely.

The constructive criticisms I would have would be in the area of content and editing.

I guess it depends on the subject-matter, but as a general rule, I think a parent isn't the best person to be conducting interviews. No matter who is asking the questions, though, I think interview-based docs (that's what you're aiming for, right?) benefit greatly when the interview flows more like a natural conversation. The subject shouldn't feel like they're on the ten-o'clock news; they should feel like they're talking with an old friend. It feels to me like you asked your kids to just recite lists of stuff that they think will make you happy to hear. You gotta get someone else to ask the questions; they need to ask WAY more questions, and it needs to be more conversational.

Secondly, I'm not a fan of the jump-cuts, in interview-footage. I like to use quick sound-bites, one rattled off after another, to keep the narrative moving forward. What you've got is rather slow. You can move back-and-forth between each kids' interview, without the audience ever knowing what the question being asked is, and you can tell one solid story, if you take the time to weave together all your sound-bites (but you can only do this if you've got lot's of 'em; see above).

I feel like you wouldn't be going to all these efforts, if all you were doing was making a home-video. What's your story? What are you really working on?
I get your point about the Christmas timing. Never even crossed my mind.

So many good comments in here I can't even begin to list everything I appreciate. Just know that everything you wrote has, and will be, taken into account in the future.

Thank you for noticing my attention to lighting. I spent about 3 hours the first time I worked with a greenscreen just to get the lighting right and to understand the concept. That greenscreen is actually a wall painted green in the office. In fact it's behind me right now!! he he

Again, I appreciate your response and will exercise a bit more patience in the future regarding comments and criticisms on this forum. Please understand that I am 34 years old but I am so excited about filmaking that I feel like a 10 year old boy with his first bb gun and all I want to do is go out and play with it!
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