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watch Keepsake - Student Film

I'm a first year film student and I would love to get some feedback on my work! Also if anyone has any tips when it comes to low budget films that would be great :)

Just a little low down on my film. It's a series of still images that has been turned into a narrative. The film is about a lonely boy who shares a special moment with girl.

It was our first project in my course and our teacher made us use still images to appreciate the whole filmmaking process and the use of movement vs still.
Interesting. In my first class, we were required to tell a story, using nothing more than a progression of still images -- no dialogue, no subtitles, nothing but still pictures.
Really? Did you find it hard?

I liked doing the still images, it made me appreciate composition so much more seeing as you weren't allowed to have movement. The only thing that drove me insane was editing hundreds of photos in Final Cut!
Really? Did you find it hard?

I liked doing the still images, it made me appreciate composition so much more seeing as you weren't allowed to have movement. The only thing that drove me insane was editing hundreds of photos in Final Cut!

Yeah, I think that's pretty much the point of the activity, teaching you the importance of visuals. The assignment in my class wasn't to be turned in as a video with still images, but photos on a poster board. It was more difficult than you'd imagine. Many of the stories were difficult to comprehend what was supposed to be going on.
Hey there Jasmine! I enjoyed your short! I always appreciate character driven films and your short was an excellent reflection on people and relationships - you managed very well to tell a story of characters that was well executed and grabbed my interest in a short amount of time (and without moving video!) so i applaud you! Noticed the Aussie accents in there too :P Do you do a TAFE course for film?
What story did you do with the photos?

It was about a dude who kept on trying (unsuccessfully) to kill himself, because he was so distraught by his girlfriend breaking up with him. And in the process of repeatedly attempting suicide, he ended up finding a new girl, who was herself sad and lonely, so they instantly connected with each other, in their mutual sadness.