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Just wrapped my first reality show

Hey guys, I just finished shooting my first reality show pilot. I was the story producer and one of the executive producers. It's called Making The Cut, about stylist assistants in a hair salon.

You can view the slideshow here.

We've also already had some press, front page of the local paper in Newport Beach, The Daily Pilot.
Looks great ... what next?

Looks great (from the photos and the articles) ... what's next? Are you planning to edit together a single episode or two? Do you have a distributor (cable channel) in mind?

I have been toying with shooting a reality pilot myself but didn't want it to sit on the shelf for too long.

We shot 175 hours, which is a bit of overkill for a show like this. But we're cutting it down to one 44-minute pilot.

We already have a couple of networks lined up to pitch to and we're working on others.