just something for everyone to consider...

yeahhh never mind... return to your normally scheduled programming.... that was some llllaaammmmeee weird $#!7
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a shit show. a year and a half long shit show. now im finally almost done with my first project and as i look at it i think "hrm...this is not year and a half quality...infact this is way below anything i thought id be capable...

Finish it up, and move on to the next project. :)

Maybe it is a shit show; or maybe you are just super-critical of yourself. We won't know 'til we see it, and even then... what the heck do critics know, right? ;)

my first attempt

Your first attempt is always better than the one before it. :cool:

Also... that was one heck of an emo post without a link to any trailer or website so we can mock.. err... I mean take a look at what you're working on!

Heh. Have a great Sat night, dude. Relax, and get back to making your film the best that it can be in the morn. :cheers: