Just in time for Halloween, Osama Bin Laden

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Our favorite villian pops up just in time for Halloween. Thanks George W. Bush for taking care of that one. ;) I think before this tape, the last thing ole' W said about Osama was "I'm not very concerned about him." He just masterminded the deaths of over 3000 US citizens on US soil and as president I don't think I'd be too concerned about him either. Big thumbs up George W.

Will Vincent said:
Of course.. there's absolutely **NO way that could have possibly been taken out of context in that clip..

I've seen the whole clip and basically what W. was trying to do was make excuses for not catching Bin Laden and say that he felt Bin Laden was no longer a threat, which may or may not be true, but I don't care. I still want Osama brought to justice and saying your are no longer "concerned" about him is not a good message.

You know, a while back, in a moment of total honesty Bush said to Matt Lauer of the Today Show, "That we cannot win the war on terrorism". He was being candid and he was right. There's no way to totally win the war on terrorism, but you can knock down to where it's not much of a threat. Do I trash him saying this? No, at least on honest, human level. On a political level, it was a dumb thing to say and if Kerry would have said that he would have skewered Kerry for days.

What it comes down to is I don't think our president is very smart. Now, I'm not saying he's stupid, but he's not intellectual. He has no intellectual curiousity which is why he runs a CEO type management system. The problem is when you are surrounded by advisors who supply you with three options and they're all bad you can only pick the least bad one because you don't seek outside knowledge. You have no knowledge base with which to see other choices. Bush has been hijacked by the Neocons which is a bad thing. The Neocons want to play world policeman with pre-emptive military attacks which could lead to 20 years of worldwide conflicts. If you get bored do a google on "Project for a New American Century", some call PNAC for short. It outlines a plan to transform the military (and not a bad plan) and a plan to take action around the world to police the world through military might.

Anyway, take care and not forget to vote.

Closing ... Just so we are all clear ... This is America, and we don't have to agree, I can love Bush and not like Kerry, you can not like Kerry but really hate Bush ... we can all hash out our differences of opinion through PMs ... but on the Indie Talk forum, let's try to keep our disagreements to the discussion of independent film.

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