*drum roll*............
you wanted honesty...
audio was crap, video was too clean therefore crap (in my opinion), the angles you shot were crap, i absolutely get what story you was trying to tell, but it was crap at least the way you told it, the acting was also crap.
i would leave it like this but i got moaned at before for not leaving constructive feedback..
so lets say this:
intro title was awful, you could have had the title see through showing the video behind and zooming in to a clear screen of the vid and maybe have him boxing for a few secs then leaving to go home.
the beginning was like a video for school children.. "so kids what do we do when we wake up in the morning"
wake up, brush our teeth, get dressed and tie our shoe laces.. all of this is fine, but seriously it took so long i felt like i was at nursery.
the acting was slow... as in not normal how a normal person would act, the actor was nervous and it really showed, just relax and feel like there isnt a camera there.
the money chase was awful, is that how you would act if you was going to run away from someone about to beat the crap out of you? nope. also the long chase wasnt needed or at least needed spicing up.
did you storyboard this at all? i dont feel you did, i think you just shot it on the day as you looked into the camera..
i think you should re-shoot this and take in what i said.
out of curiosity what specs did you use to film this?
camera, frame rate, shutter speed, etc unless it was shot with a mobile?