Just some idea my wife and I were chating about tonight.
would you all be into doing some shorts based on the same hero.?
ok so here is the idea a 007 sort of a person gets off a bus or our of a cab or what ever, there job is to do one thing, we never know what the person looks like also we never really know what there job is.
at the end of the short they get into a cab or what even then the next person picks up where the last person left off and so on.
post your idea here and maybe we can come up with a real cool story.
would you all be into doing some shorts based on the same hero.?
ok so here is the idea a 007 sort of a person gets off a bus or our of a cab or what ever, there job is to do one thing, we never know what the person looks like also we never really know what there job is.
at the end of the short they get into a cab or what even then the next person picks up where the last person left off and so on.
post your idea here and maybe we can come up with a real cool story.