Jon Irenicus

Joneleth Irenicus, also known as "Jon Irenicus," or, simply, "Irenicus", is the main culmination of my idea of why I am writing here today. He is a bit mental, originally from India. He is chaotically neutral in his heart. At that time, He got inspired by seeing the film AI, and was especially drawn by the poem of W.B.Yeats called "The Stolen Child.", the last scenes of AI endured in his heart. But that was History,This Irenicus wants to redeem himself, and believes in the untapped power of magic. Now back then, game studios had this inspiring aspiration to associate the names of gods, both in name and symbolically, hence Bodhi was the name of Irenicus's sister who was a Vampire, co incidentally The Buddha attained "Nirvana" under The Bodhi Tree.

The entails of Jon Irenicus, also has relation to TinTin stories, especially Prisoners of The Sun, in connection to inca civilization, who worshipped The Sun.
This Irenicus in reality, is also madly attracted to History, and lost civilizations.

He also is inspired By his hero Swami Vivekananda, with whom he met at a mental asylum named "Resurrection", he has anger management issues, and hallucinatory behavior, and he believes that he has correctly recognized the "face" of his spiritual idol Vivekananda, who is named Debraj.

Now Debraj likes the movie Interstellar, and Iren aka "Miraj" believes in the power of words, music, poetry, and last but not the least books,Documentary, and movies.

He is interested to see the movie "Mud", by Mathew Mc Connaghey, as that has symbolical implication to the flower Lotus, and also curious about the person Mathew.