marketing Joker Folie A Deux / Designing this Poster A Bit About the Process

Hello! My name is Ron and I am a key art designer based in Los Angeles. Key art is such an important part of the film process and i’d like to share a little bit about the process with you all.

I designed this Joker Folie a Deux poster through my agency Legion Creative. Legion was brought on by Warner Pictures to ideate some cool key art for this film. The creative brief from the client was to celebrate the characters, their love, and their psychosis. Everyone on my team delivered the most amazing work. They were all beautiful and f’ed up ideas, super creative and unique.

It took two years start to finish to get this poster to a place where it was approved by executives and actors.

When key art is being created for a blockbuster film like Joker Folie a Deux, studios hire multiple creative agencies who have multiple designers working on concepts. As time goes on some posters are chosen and some get killed. Each poster that moves on to the next round typically has many edits/revisions from the heads of movie studios. Every designer has a different perspective, and its so great seeing what my fellow teammate designers come up with. I wish you could see, but I'd get sued. For this poster we competed with 4 or 5 other creative agencies. Im sure there was a lot of other great work in the mix, however we do not get to see what other agencies design. I am very proud of my team at Legion becuase two of our key art designs ended up getting selected for both the Payoff and Teasers posters. This is a great accomplishment in our industry.

I would love to hear what you all think of the poster and if you have any questions about key art design with me. I am happy to share my wealth of knowledge with everyone in the filmmaking community.


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