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watch Jezebel's House - Sexy Thriller

I think the subtitles explain too much of the obvious. Almost every thriller is about who would you have to kill to save your life, and all that. So no need to explain it, unless you are going to be more specific to your own plot I would say, but that's just my opinion.

I felt that more could have been shown in the trailer, cause all the guy does is turn his head from side to side, a few times while pointing a gun and that's it.
You miss the feedback from your other thread? ;)

New trailer's a bit better. Don't care for all the fade-to-black & text overlays, but the scene itself looks fairly tense. :cool:

Website's still the same, so you can refer back there to what I thought about that. :)

When I posted that last thread the website was different. I changed it based on the previous feedback. I assume you didn't see it until the update so I'll work on everything you suggested. Thanks.
I changed the subtitle from "Forbidden Fantasies and Shocking Revelations" to "How Far Would You Go To Get Your Life Back?"

Also, to the people that said to change the purple... any suggestions on a different color? Purple seems to stand out because I don't see it on too many sites.