Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer

Is anyone else completely appalled that these two not only continue to get work, but that their movies consistently make money?

Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of parody. A substantial portion of the comedic interplay between my circle of friends revolves largely on parodying or satirizing pretty much everything. But what these two do... frankly, the only phrase that aptly describes their body of work is "cinematic holocaust". They are nothing but shills, churning out turd after turd for an all too receptive audience.

Normally, it wouldn't bother me. It doesn't really bother me that people like Nickelback or Brokencyde, though it does tend to make me question their music aesthetic. In this case, though, it shakes me to the core. There's a finite amount of resources to go around, and when Hollywood spends time and money on these two and their terrible movies, that's time and money that could be going to more worthy projects. Time and money that could be going to finance several hundred low budget scripts from up and coming directors, for example.

But let's not forget about the wonderful movie-going public that pays to see their movies. They're just as much to blame as the studios, because after all, it's a business. And a business can't really be blamed for giving its customers what they want.

These two and their work so perfectly represent all that is wrong with Hollywood (to me, at least) that I can almost interpret their work as a brand of self-conscious dadaist parody. Almost.