JakeSully Over Here!

DISCLAIMER: I'm not an Avatar Junkie, I just liked the name, and it was funny how the Na'Vi said Name and Lastname altogether.

Now, I am ready.

My name is Rodrigo, as you can see in my profile, and I'm from Uruguay a small country right next to Brazil.

Although I am currently studying engineering, and hoping to be the best I can on the subject, one of my true passions is filmmaking.

It all started several years ago, when in order to skip a midterm, I suggested a professor to let the class take a more creative approach to history. What nobody knew was that I had an ace under my sleeve. While most of my mates decided to go with live acting, I went with a movie. At first, progress was slow, but then as the deadline approached the situation changed.

It is unnecessary to explain that now, when I watch the clip I filmed, I find hundreds of mistakes, and lacking substance and quality, when, after working on it for so long, that annoying feeling was just pleasure and pride.

As some of you may know, trying to succeed in indie filmmaking in Uruguay is hard...really hard, but it's not about the actors, it's not about the drive to complete a job either...The Thing is cost. Equipment (especially technology, whether you are talking about cameras or cellphones) is almost absurdly privative. A Macbook Pro (2009), for example, can reach costs of 2.5K and a LOW quality camera can cost 5-600 hundred bucks.

Still, I don't let that throw me down, and now, with my dystopian script I will try to reach the completion of the project.

One of my favorite directors: Tarantino. His movies (well, most of them :lol:) are outstanding but what really defined him was this quote regarding Film School (no hate here, just that it reflects my feelings/thoughts)
Director Quentin Tarantino had this advice for aspiring filmmakers: take the money they have saved to go to film school and use it to make their own movie instead. "Trying to make a feature film yourself with no money is the best film school you can do," he said during a Cinema Master Class at the Cannes Film Festival on Thursday, referring to his own early experience. Tarantino also revealed why he uses previously recorded music from other movies and TV shows rather than an original score for his films. "I just don't trust any composer to do it," he said, noting that the music is the last major element added to a production. "The idea of paying a guy and showing him your movie at the end -- who the f*** is this guy coming in here and throwing his s*** over my movie. What if I don't like it? And the guy's already been paid!"

To sum up, I hope to be an active part of the community, and BTW, I am a Spanish speaker, so correct my mistakes, but try to understand if y f'd up with something.
As some of you may know, trying to succeed in indie filmmaking in Uruguay is hard...really hard, but it's not about the actors, it's not about the drive to complete a job either...The Thing is cost. Equipment (especially technology, whether you are talking about cameras or cellphones) is almost absurdly privative. A Macbook Pro (2009), for example, can reach costs of 2.5K and a LOW quality camera can cost 5-600 hundred bucks.

You got me kinda confused here. These costs are not that much different from what's available (for those amounts) in the US. :huh:

I'd also go as far to argue that there are a lot more important things to consider, than the actual equipment used. What brand of Apple was Citizen Kane edited on, know what I mean?

Regardless, hello to you. :)

I'm sure you'll find a lot of useful ideas to get your dream-film completed. :cool:
I know what you mean, is not the equipment what makes the movie, but is nice to have something to help you, for example to edit, other thatn the endless supply of cofee to push you through.

I am currently filmming (just, you know, effect tests, nothing serious) on a Sony Handycam (Sr-42) and editing on a Pentium Dual Core 2.8 for which I need 24 hours to transcode 1080p video!

And I forgot to mention, I was talking used prices! :lol:

BTW: I think Citizen Kane was edited on a G5 ;) J/K.