iTunes & RSS?

I really want to start a video podcast, but itunes requires an RSS code and stuff like is explained here. Can someone please tell me how to create an RSS file? Is there a program I need? I really know nothing about it and am trying to search the internet for answers. If anyone knows how this stuff works, please help me out. Thanks!

This is what our RSS feed looks lke: click here

Of course, I stopped updating, because I'm planning to switch to an online organizer soon, that does RSS for me. Check out the W3 schools tutorials for RSS, if you're intersted. But I'd think there are programs out there to do that automatically. In a quick Google search for "videocast tutorial" I found this.
There seems to be something called Drupal too.

But if you just need to make a RSS thing, it's not to hard. You can make it in Notepad, just save as a .rss file and all is well. The W3 has all the knowhow on that.