It's been a good week! :)

So, I'm sure you didn't know... but I've been busy with rehearsals for a holiday play for the last month and a half.. The show opened last night, and it was very well received. I'm privileged to share the stage with 21 talented actors, most of which are under 18 (for those who can't do math, thats a cast of 22, five of us are adults, the rest are kids)..

Immediately following the performance, I had to rush off for a call back on another stage production that will be the next show at the same theater. Got a call about an hour and a half later that I had been cast. :)

Today, I have been asked to supply some footage that I shot for a promotion to one of the local TV Stations (Channel 45 for those of you in Minnesota) that they're going to use for a 30 second spot promoting the event. Other parts of the footage I shot is going to be shown on the jumbo-tron at the Xcel center during the big "Jingle Ball" concert put on by local clear channel radio station KDWB.

Now if only I could get PAID for this stuff. hehe.. The promotion is for a special event the radio station is holding in conjunction with, and at, the water park for whom I work... so this was one of those day job related activities, though I did here whispers that there may be some kind of bonus in it for me, which would be .. well, a bonus. :D

I'll post links to the promos probably next week sometime -- as far as I understand, the event isn't public knowledge yet.

Anyhoo... it's been a good week. What did YOU accomplish this week (we haven't had one of those threads in a while, figured I might as well turn this into one of them)
I am very happy and impressed for you Will! Nice job man. I haven't accomplished much this week but school lol. Finals next week :(

I did theater in high school and I loved it. Maybe you should start auditioning for bigger shows, and find paying parts. You can make good money.
I drove from Georgia on Sunday, Thanksgiving in Atlanta. I drove from 8am - 4pm, let my brother drive into Chicago and then I drove back to Michigan about 5 a snow storm. Other than that, not much going on :D

-- spinner :cool:
Good job on the plays.

Well, I've been reading Save the Cat! Goes to the Movies while cross referencing Save the Cat! and envisioning how some of my story ideas could fit within Blake Snyder's genres. Very interesting stuff.

It has been a busy week at the day job. Not much else going on. This weekend is all about Christmas decorating and fixing the stupid lights on the house that refuse to stay lit. No more icicle lights for me next year.

I'm off a couple of weeks at the end of the month, so I hope to get some more writing done.
Heh, sounds like you're having a blast though, even if unpaid, Will. :cool:

What did YOU accomplish this week

Resisted the urge to stab my associates with a rusty spoon, daily.

A while back we went in on an anthology project, and now that it's done... they are being stupid.

Never do business with friends. It never works out well. :no:

Btw, my contribution to the anthology is in Private Screenings section of forum. Take a gander, before I pull the link down. :bag:
What is the name of the play, Will?

That's alot of kids in there, what are you doing? Oliver? ;)

-- spinner :cool:

Nope, it's an original holiday play written by a local playwright.. It's called the Hanging of the Greens (excerpt)and it's centered around the legend of why we hang garlands & wreaths on the windows & doors in the winter. It's a lot of fun, not sure if that is mainly due to being in front of a live audience or just working with all those kids.. I think it's more the kids, never meet a nicer bunch. :)

Yesterday (our opening day) was the world premiere of the play. ;)

The next one, which I was just cast in last night (had to run to a call back immediately following our opening performance) is The Murder Room written by Jack Sharkey (excerpt).. it's kind of a Monty Python meets Agatha Christie meets.. the Marx Brothers or Abbot & Costello.. murder mystery farce set in London. I'm the only "american" in it. heh.

EDIT: Oh, and since I put excerpts in here.. In Greens I'm "Noel", and in Murder Room I'm "Barry Draper"
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Congrats on all of those things!

I had a great week as well. The play I'm in had its final show. I ordered a shotgun mic. I also wrote another short film. Yay :)

Great that your weekend is going good. Can you please explain as you said

that they're going to use for a 30 second spot promoting the event.
you mean the TV channel was actually willing to promote that place so they took your footage?
By the way sounds well. I hope you will have a new link in your business life.

By the way my whole week is rocking friends. Actually there is a religious Festival this TUESDAY for 3 days so we have 1 week holidays. So i have started to write more of my 3 scripts. :D sounds crazy that i am working on 3 at a time....lolzz....
I will be reading some suspnce books also........and i have some gore occult movies too in my PC. I have to see them also. So over all my whole weke till next monday is rocking. The last wekk passed was horrible as i was having my MID TERMS of 2nd Semester.....I hate studies :(

By the way your next play Murder room looks interesting as i think it is a suspense genre?

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