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watch It Starts With One

I present to you guys my sophomore videography effort. Hahaha. If you can call it that.


It's basically an anti-drinking and driving sort of PSA - pov style. Cinematography by me.

My friends and I entered a competition to win money for our grad, we didn't win but it was enjoyable to make - and I must say did not turn out too badly for using the standard 16mm lens and onboard audio - not to mention having finalized the crew half an hour before filming and improvising almost all of our lines, hahaha.

Dubbed in post with Audacity-edited music through Premiere Pro, shot on a Sony NEX-3, colored in Photoshop CS4 Extended. FX courtesy of my friend Maenard, through After Effects.
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Pretty standard P.S.A., the cars lights slamming into the car idea is very popular among the anti-drunk driving filmmakers. I really like the girl's acting, it was refreshingly natural. Not too bad for an improvised script.:)
Audio is distorted. If you record the audio with no music, and add it later, it is much easier to get the levels right without DISTORTION.

Shaky camera. Use a stabilizer. Completely jarring most of the time, and too crude for my taste.

You could try the free virtualdub software and some deshaker plugins. That could smooth out the most jarring moments.