Is the Canon XL2 a good camera?

Is the Canon XL2 a good camera for shooting SD films on DV? I'm looking for a good camera that will support me for the remainder of my filmmaking days.

Has anyone used the XL H1S for shooting HD? Btw,when would you decide to shoot in HD rather than SD? What type of film would look better shot in HD rather than SD?

Hi Doug,

I've been shooting with the XL2 for the last three years. It's a good if not a great camera for SD. Also give the Panasonic DVX100 a look, it is also a good SD camera.

As for HD all thing being equal anything shoot on HD will look better than SD, but.

Editting HD will put more stress on your computer and you will only get the full benefit from HD if you burn to Blue-Ray if you are going to disk. Only you will know if you realy need to shoot to HD.


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