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Is it possible to do this with After Effects?

There is one shot in the action/fight scene of my short film that I need to establish how a character gets from here to there. My DP decided to shoot this shot from the front like we discussed, but in all the takes, she pans the camera to the side. I was acting and fighting in this scene, so I didn't notice. I should have replayed and looked at those takes more carefully. This leads to a continuity flaw that I was suppose to mask, but shooting from in front the whole shot.

Since it's shot from the diagonally instead, is it possible to create another half of the actor with AE then I can change the point of view to the front instead of diagonal, cause the actor will have another half from the front.
in all the takes, she pans the camera to the side. I was acting and fighting in this scene, so I didn't notice.

I must own a copy of this film when it's done. Calling dibs on Limited Edition #001 now. :cool:

Since it's shot from the diagonally instead, is it possible to create another half of the actor with AE then I can change the point of view to the front instead of diagonal, cause the actor will have another half from the front.

Dude, what?
I must own a copy of this film when it's done. Calling dibs on Limited Edition #001 now. :cool:

Dude, what?

I like the bong emotion icon. Good for saying "What You Smoking" Funny.

found this one after lookng for the one you found. Forgot all you had to do is right click and copy image url.


Harmony I don't think your idea will work but give it a shot and find out.
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