Look at films like "Requiem for a dream" or "The Road". They are very well made, technically, AND they have a deeper layer. In my opinion, these films are art. They make you think, make you cry, laugh, whatever it is. They leave you back with bittersweet feelings and sometimes they really make you so sick that you can't stand to watch them completely.
They are NOT "entertainment" in common terms. Compare these two with a big budget AAA Hollywood SFX fest and you will see the difference. Typical Hollywood movies are made to make you feel good. That's why they always have happy endings, stereotypes and a tacked on message on society/nature/racism and/or other problems of mankind.
A lot of people forget, that film is an art form itself BUT at the same time it is an compound of different arts!
A good screenplay can be art by itself, like a novel. A movie soundtrack can be art by itself. And one of the most obvious things is the cinematography, that derives from photography.
You can't take a shitty screenplay with stereotyped hollywood clichés and put it together with the other parts to create "art". Avatar may be loads of fun and entertaining to watch, but hell no, it will NEVER be art for me. It's not even in the same ballpark, like, for example, the Coen movies.
Hollywood entertainment is made to make you feel good, that's the whole point, while art can make you sick, weep, hate yourself and laugh, sometimes all at the same time. Maybe that's why I am so fed up with the movies today. I get nothing from it. Empty, emotionless stories all over the place and the bad thing is, the indies follow this Hollywood formula instead of creating their own style of movies.
To call a 20.000.000 dollar movie "indie" is an abomination of the term. It's the same that happened to "indie rock" some years ago. "indie" has nothing to do with independence, it's just a mainstream term the rich guys tack on their entertainment products to pretend like their crap has some artsy feel.
In terms of photography: I absolutely adore war photographer James Nachtwey. He is a true artist. He sends a message to you with his pictures in a kind of way only true art can. He shot some photos I will never ever forget as long as I live.
It's very disturbing if you look at a photo that makes you feel good because the aesthetics of it are absolutely stunning. shadows, lighting, sharpness, depth of field... and then you realize you look at a massgrave of innocent citizens, cut up and raped and thrown in a hole like trash. It makes you think and that's what art is.
They are NOT "entertainment" in common terms. Compare these two with a big budget AAA Hollywood SFX fest and you will see the difference. Typical Hollywood movies are made to make you feel good. That's why they always have happy endings, stereotypes and a tacked on message on society/nature/racism and/or other problems of mankind.
A lot of people forget, that film is an art form itself BUT at the same time it is an compound of different arts!
A good screenplay can be art by itself, like a novel. A movie soundtrack can be art by itself. And one of the most obvious things is the cinematography, that derives from photography.
You can't take a shitty screenplay with stereotyped hollywood clichés and put it together with the other parts to create "art". Avatar may be loads of fun and entertaining to watch, but hell no, it will NEVER be art for me. It's not even in the same ballpark, like, for example, the Coen movies.
Hollywood entertainment is made to make you feel good, that's the whole point, while art can make you sick, weep, hate yourself and laugh, sometimes all at the same time. Maybe that's why I am so fed up with the movies today. I get nothing from it. Empty, emotionless stories all over the place and the bad thing is, the indies follow this Hollywood formula instead of creating their own style of movies.
To call a 20.000.000 dollar movie "indie" is an abomination of the term. It's the same that happened to "indie rock" some years ago. "indie" has nothing to do with independence, it's just a mainstream term the rich guys tack on their entertainment products to pretend like their crap has some artsy feel.
In terms of photography: I absolutely adore war photographer James Nachtwey. He is a true artist. He sends a message to you with his pictures in a kind of way only true art can. He shot some photos I will never ever forget as long as I live.
It's very disturbing if you look at a photo that makes you feel good because the aesthetics of it are absolutely stunning. shadows, lighting, sharpness, depth of field... and then you realize you look at a massgrave of innocent citizens, cut up and raped and thrown in a hole like trash. It makes you think and that's what art is.