Is it legal to shoot?

Is is legal to shoot in a public place, do I need some permit like when filming near a government place like outside the municipal building?
You would need to get a permit. Most large cities have a film commissioner that will assist shoots on getting the correct permit and such.

Some places will just flat out say NO
This is such a broad, undefined question the only answer
is, "It depends".

Nick is right - you should at the very least ask your local
film commission or if their isn't one ask someone in the
building. But many cities do not require a permit under
some circumstances. So the actual answer depends on
several factors you have not told us.
If it's for a "news" broadcast (including for a YouTube news thing) then either you don't need a permit or they just won't charge. If it's for a "movie" and you have a tiny crew then you might be able to pull it off without paying for a permit. Big crews attract attention.
All that said, you can probably still get away without permits or permission, but do you want to chance that?

I know the film Leaving Las Vegas was filmed all over Vegas and they filmed a LOT of scenes on the Strip without permits. And that's an Oscar winning film!
I film around my area with no problem. That could be due to the fact I live in a small town with loads of rural area around.

But I think city filming would require permits. You'd just have to get in touch with your local council to find out. :)