Hello there,

Ok so I have a brilliant new HD film to send out to festivals... And this is the second project i use with withoutabox...Now my question is, has anyone tried the ¨secure online screening¨ submission ? they have this option available on withoutabox for certain festivals...the fact that you can actually submit your film online rather than posting it...

It does sound like a great a idea, but my worry is, the quality or the way they watch it...Although you can submit
things online at good quality, its not the same as the original...they demand the film to be 2GB max... And how do the judges watch it, through a computer screen? this doesnt sound good to me.

I was literally about to post my film to sundance and then realised they also had online submission... But after thinking about it im not sure if its better to send it as a dvd than online... the film is 28min long, maybe the online submission works better for shorter shorts? but at the same time they cant make an excuse of whether the dvd works or not?

What do you all think? online or posting?

hope to hear from you all soon! :)
My first four submissions on my new film go out today. mailing them all. I saw online had been added, but when it becomes the preferred way for the festival to get the film, that's when I'll use it. The last thing you need is anything that might not be what they want.
I am at a Festival now. I was talking to one of the producers last night. They like online screeners. He said that they have a library of submitted DVDs and it is always a hassle to get them and check a film out.
For now, I vote for a hard copy unless you are happy with the quality of your online upload. I've tried uploading an online screener through WAB and the quality was horrible. With that said, I know I'm doing something wrong but unless you can get a decent quality screener up there I wouldn't risk it.