Is it a good idea to buy a used camera?

Since I don't have a lot of money to spend on a camera or lighting and sound equipment is it a good idea to buy it used?
Has anybody ever had a bad experience?
I would not buy a used videocamera unless it came from a reputable retailer like BH PhotoVideo. Lights? Sure, used is good if it tests out, but you should be buying your lights from a big box retailer like Home Depot. Sound? I suppose if you do a LOT of testing before you roll film.

If you know the history of a particular piece of equipment (meaning you were on the production when it was in use) it might be somewhat safe to buy, but even then its buyer beware.
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I tend to buy things used if I can save a significant amount of money. Ebay and Etsy are my preferred places for scoring used gear. One tip, though: don't buy from anyone who has a feedback rating below 99% positive. If possible, go for people with 99.5% of higher. And read the negative reviews if you can, because sometimes it's obvious the person leaving the review is just being unreasonable, while other times it can show you a potential major issue.

I'm not a fan of buying anything expensive that has the potential to have hidden problems (like any kind of electronics). I mean, if it was a really, really good deal I might take a chance, but only if I could afford to have it not work.