is becoming a filmmaker this easy?

@ 2:18

i'm not saying i have the skills to make a movie like reservoir dogs (didn't like it.. i understand it's importance in it being the influence for a lot of other movies to come, but just didn't like it sorry).. but i mean.. if i could make a kickass movie? is that it? have i made it? are producers gonna come knocking at my door left and right after that one movie?

is it that easy?

in before everyone starts bashing this stupid 19 year old who knows nothing about the industry..
Yes. It’s that easy. Make a kick ass film that audiences pay to

No. It’s not that easy. Making a kickass film that audiences will
pay to see is nearly impossible.

But when you do. It’s that easy.

Is it that easy to become a filmmaker? YES

Is it that easy to become a GOOD filmmaker? NO.

I think Sam Raimi's advice is the best in the entire lot, and he's my least favorite of the guys interviewed (although I like them all a lot, Sam included)... Make movies often, and put them in front of audiences and learn from that. From my own personal experience, that is invaluable advice. You don't really know what your movie is until it goes in front of the amorphous audience and you experience the mob mentality of strangers watching the movie. That will change how you make movies and what you are doing entirely.