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Invitation:$1000 prize for best film

No catch whatsoever, im
launching EarthCast.TV in mid September and want to both bring
attention to the site and reward the artist who make it all possible.
The particulars along with the registration form will be online by this
Monday. Here's a synopisis. Im giving away $1000 and a 1yr
EarthCasting account to the best overall short film on any topic. The
film should be at least >10min but <60min long. The websites software
automaticly encodes all files to MP4 but we prefer it's already in that
format for easier upload. The films will remain the artist property
but will be featured on the site for up to 6 months. If we have enough
of a buzz we might award more prizes to later placers. Deadline for
submisions is the 17th of September. I thank you for your interest and
hope you will enter.

No sir, the site isn't listed in the inks section. I will list it and reciprocate a link ASAP. Thank you for your help.