
Hi folks! I thought I'd finally get around to saying hello to the forum, since I've been lurking here for the better part of a year.

My name's Bob, and I'm in Connecticut. Currently I'm doing some projects at the local cable access studio, and I've written and will soon direct several video shorts.

I'm always looking for people who want to be involved in indie productions, especially actors. If you're in the Bridgeport/New Haven areas and want to join in, give me a shout.

FutureDV is the name of my production pseudo-company. You can also check out my indie filmmaking blog at

I checked out your blog (and left a comment or two ;)), blogs are fun. I started one recently (link below), and it's very cathartic. I, like you, suffer from a limited reader base as of now, but I'm sure it'll grow the more I pimp it.

Thanks guys! Yeah Steve, I agree, I'm not really a newbie, but they don't have a category yet for lurkers who eventually jump out and post something...I'll have to send them a memo!

Wideshot, great luck with yours, too! Poke, thanks for checking out FutureDV...sadly, I broke my "no whinging" New Year's resolution pretty fast this year; but, as Jules says in Pulp Fiction, "I'm tryin', Ringo...I'm trying REAL....HARD."
Thanks again for the nice words. Yeah, I've always liked this site (along with but lately I've had more to say since I'm ramping up my filmmaking activities.

Hey VegasIndiesTV, did you ever get my email about your show? Let me know...I'm trying to do something similar here in CT.
